Overloading the encounter die
Created: 2025-02-11
Encounter Percept (clue, spoor) Locality (context-dependent timer) Exhaustion (rest or take penalties) Lantern Torch
See in context at Overloading the encounter die
Created: 2025-02-11
“Locality” is meant to be used for area-specific state that should be kept separate from standard random encounters. Examples: water rising, the stalker drawing nearer, a prisoner loosing an appendage to the torturer, doors locking behind PCs, and so forth. The possibilities are limitless and make every location potentially mechanically different in a way that is player-salient.
See in context at Overloading the encounter die
Created: 2025-02-11
In addition to streamlining gameplay and decreasing intrasession bookkeeping, such a procedure also decreases null (“whiff”) results. Almost every turn result means something.