Post-Post-Apocalypse The Beauty of a Forgotten World

Created: 2025-02-11

Post-post-apocalypse (let’s call it PPA for short) is less about the destruction of the world itself, and more about the after. Once the casualties and damages have been tallied up, human beings do what we’ve always done: rebuild. In PPA settings, people are less in shock or destitution and more in tentative optimism and apprehension. It’s about the modest towers we build to replace fallen skyscrapers, the gentle first steps toward recovery after the storm. As a result, the genre tends to be more about re-civilization and how that affects survivors. It takes a more melancholy, haunted angle as opposed to a gritty, darker one.

See in context at Post-Post-Apocalypse: The Beauty of a Forgotten World

Created: 2025-02-11

in the absence of human beings (or whatever species truly inhabited the planet), animals thrive. The beasts who have reclaimed fields, cities, and oceans add another layer of character to the player’s experience. Their presence is felt through both enemy encounters and charming set-pieces;

See in context at Post-Post-Apocalypse: The Beauty of a Forgotten World